Carstairs & District Gala Established 1912
- The name of the Committee shall be:- ‘Carstairs & District Gala Committee’.
- Carstairs & District shall mean :-
- The whole of Carstairs Parish except South of Burn Bridge.
- Halgholm.
- The function of the Committee shall be to hold an Annual Gala Day on the last Saturday of June, consisting of :-
- A procession around the entire Village.
- The Crowning of a Queen with her Court.
- A Sports Programme for Adults and Children.
- A Week of Festive Events.
- A Social Evening in form of Gala Dance.
- The Committee shall consist of Office Bearers as follows:-
- Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and unlimited number of male and female members. These shall be elected and appointed at the AGM regardless of race ,creed, colour or religion.
- Seven members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
- The Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
- The Honorary President shall be nominated and appointed every 5 years.
- Life Members shall only be nominated at the AGM.
- Committee members can be co-opted during the year.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held in October, when the Statement of Account for the year shall be submitted by the Treasurer.
- All Cheques must have Two Signatories.
- Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chairman or at the requisition of five members.
- The Queen and her Court shall be chosen from those attending Carstairs Primary School and from children who live within the District but attend other Schools. The Queen and her court shall consist of all eligible girls and boys of P7 age. Ideally the minimum number shall be 5 girls and 2 boys. Where there are fewer than the minimum requirement then children of P6 shall be eligible to meet the court shortfall. A ballot shall take place in Carstairs Primary School of classes 4,5,6,&7 age group. Children from Carstairs Primary School shall be nominated for election and others outwith the School must forward their names to the Secretary. On Gala Day court children from outwith the District shall be picked up from a premise within the District.
- The Lady to Crown the Queen shall be from Carstairs & District and shall be elected by the commitee, however at the discretion of the committee a nomination can be forwarded at 5 year intervals for a lady to be elected who lives outwith the gala boundaries.
- Tea and Sports :-
- Children eligible to compete in sports shall be those attending Carstairs Primary School and those from the District as in para 2.
- Adults eligible shall be those from within the District.
- Tea will be supplied to everyone on the Green.
11. The Committee’s decision will be final in all matters relating to the Gala.
12. To have the Constitution altered other than at the AGM, it requires a member of the Public (not a Committee member) to present a written letter containing the signatures of fifteen members of the Public requesting that a special meeting shall be held.In the event of the group ceasing to operate, after settlement of all debts and liabilities, any remaining assets will not be distributed amongst members but will be donated to an organisation of similar aims and objectives.
21st November 2018
Gala Chairman
John Forrest